Metabolic Syndrome is the name for a group of health issues that put you at risk of serious conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes or conditions that affect your blood vessels or heart. Unfortunately, Metabolic Syndrome is very common today. You are more likely to suffer Metabolic Syndrome if you:
• are living with obesity
• do not exercise adequately
• are a smoker
• drink a lot of alcohol
Your risk of developing Metabolic Syndrome also increases with age.
There are 5 key risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome. If you have 3 or more of them, you have Metabolic Syndrome. Two of them can be tested for at home.
1. Too much fat around the waist. Males with a waist measurement greater than 40” are considered to have too much. For males of South Asian decent there is a lower threshold for belly fat. For females, the measurement is greater than 35” regardless of ethnicity.
2. High Blood Pressure. This is defined as a reading of 130/85 or higher. Normal blood pressure is defined as 120/80 or lower. N.B. Good quality blood pressure monitors are available to buy for home use. Do not rely on any one reading as blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day and with being in different environments.
3. High Triglyceride levels which are a type of fat in the blood.
4. Low HDL Cholesterol which is known as the ‘good’ cholesterol.
5. High Fasting Glucose (Blood Sugar).
The last 3 risk factors in the list above can all be found through a blood test such as the Professional Functional DX Check available through Remedios Health.
Whether you have Metabolic Syndrome or are just ticking a few of the risk factors, it is wise to take action now to improve your health.
Of course, all these things are easier said than done, but with the right support it is possible to achieve.
A Health Coach is a trained professional who will help you identify and commit to your health targets and then hold you accountable as you work in partnership. This massively increases your chances of success.
Rather than relying on a fad diet, get a personalised eating plan that is customised for you. One way of doing this is through the Metabolic Balance Programme.
This 3-month Metabolic Balance Programme uses multiple blood markers (from a blood test) and personal physical measurements to produce a fairly rigid diet plan that is best suited to you and your individual needs. Metabolic Balance is a programme that can lead to healthy fat loss (if needed) and improved metabolic health.
Whether you choose Functional Blood Testing & Analysis, the Metabolic Balance Programme or Hair Mineral Analysis any of these options can help you improve your Metabolic Health. Which route will you take?
If you would like to discuss your options further please BOOK YOUR FREE 20-MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL!
A complimentary 20-minute discovery call, where we can connect, explore your individual situation and identify the most effective approach to enhance your health and wellbeing.
A free no obligation 20-minute phone call with Natalie to discuss your health and the best way forward